

Non-profit residence to work residence: conditions of the work contract

How can a nonprofit residency change to work permit? Non-profit residence holders are not allowed to work or start a business in Spain. If you...


Starting a business: difference between freelancer and limited company (SL)

Spanish freelancers Spanish law states that anyone who engages in business activities can do so in their personal name or rather in the name of...

Spanish company: difference between directors and shareholders

Shareholders are equity owners but does not represent the company A shareholder, is one of the owners of the company. The main right of a...



Quarterly taxes to be paid by self-employed

Quarterly taxation of personal income. Any resident in Spain is subject to the Personal Income Tax (Impuesto sobre la renta de las personas fisicas), or...
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Insult on social media as a crime in Spain

Abusive language and threats on the Internet Verbal abuse, insult and threats are crimes, whether online or offline. These behaviour on social media platforms  be...


Student visa when applying EU permanent residence

EU Permanent Residence EU permanent residence, officially called EU long-term residence (residencia larga duración-ue), is also known to everyone simply as EU residence. Note: If...

Can I apply for a “job-seeking visa” even if my student visa has expired for three months?

Job-seeking visa" I am sure that you are all familiar with the job-seeking residency program, so we will not explain it here. Can I apply for...

Changing from student visa to work residence permit

Student Residency to Work Residency On July 26th, 2022 the Spanish government published a law amending the Immigration Statute with several major changes to immigration...

Student visa: the new school year hasn’t even started yet and your residence has already expired?

Student visa Renewal As you know, one of the conditions for the renewal of the student visa is that the applicant must continue to study...

Guide for students applying for residence card (TIE) in Spain

What is the Student Residence Card in Spain?  The Spanish Aliens Regulation states that students coming to Spain for the first time as students (unless...
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How can a nonprofit residency change to work permit? Non-profit residence holders are not allowed to work or start a business in Spain. If you...
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